Why People Start Thinking of Quitting their Job

Quitting a JobEvery day a lot of us spend the majority of our time working to earn a living for our families, but not everyone goes to work happy. There are some people who go to work for the satisfaction of being an achiever, while others go to work to save enough money to start a venture. The point is that people have a lot of reasons to go to work, but when the time comes that the reason you go to work fades, you start might start to feel frustrated from the daily grind. Pretty soon, you might start thinking about quitting your job.

You may start to feel like quitting is the only solution to the problem. However, no matter how easy this solution looks, it isn’t always the right decision. You need to ask yourself what is the real reason why you want to quit.

The length of your stay in the company

Working for a company for a long time can make a person bored. The familiarity of what you do every day made you lose interest. There are no longer new challenges that keep you driven, or your opportunities are already maxed and there is no longer a possibility of climbing the career ladder. This could happen after a long time at the same job, but if you just started working for the company, you need to be patient with your career timeline.

Work overload

Businesses today are finding ways to cut costs, and often the route they take is cutting manpower. As a result, the employees left in the company are faced with the task of completing the work of their former co-workers. This might cause you to overwork yourself and start thinking of quitting because of how much you need to accomplish every day. In this situation, you might want to consider the fact that it’s not just your company that’s doing this; companies everywhere are cutting costs.

Personal problems

Sometimes the reason why you want to quit is not necessarily due to the job, the company or your boss. There are times when your personal life is struggling; it starts to affect how you feel about your job and everything else in your life. It is important to separate your personal issues from occupational stressors.

Bad management

There is a reason when a company operates smoothly: It’s because of good management. The management does their best to keep everybody happy—the clients, employees, and bosses. However, if you’re working for a company that has no clear direction because of bad management, it’s easy to get frustrated because you don’t see a bright future with the company. In this case, looking at other employment opportunities might not be a bad idea.


Back when you were looking for a job, you were willing to accept a lower rate because of the dire need. After a few months of stability, however, the feeling of being underpaid starts to affect you. You have constant thoughts that you deserve better, so you start thinking of quitting in hopes of a better salary. The best solution to this is a preventative one: Negotiate a salary that is acceptable to you from the outset.

There could be a million reasons why you want to quit your job today, but you might want to think it over first. Ask yourself if this decision is really better for you, not only today but also in the long run.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.