Do References Really Matter?

References MatterYou might think that references are really not that important, but actually they are. You might be tempted to bypass the process of getting references, but don’t. References are important because they serve as proof and certification of your work attitudes and experiences.


You might be wondering if interviewers really call the people on your reference list. Do they really help you in getting the job that you like? Studies show that 69% of employers said that they change their minds about an applicant after speaking with references.

The question, though, is: Do references actually matter? A national study was conducted to survey hiring managers, human resource professionals, and workers through different industries to get insight into what matters most when it comes to character references.

References do matter to interviewers and companies. According to the research, 80% of employers said that they really do contact these references when evaluating applicants, and 16% of them call even before they call the candidate for an interview. What these references say can make or break you.

It might be said that there are companies that are not influenced by references. However, job seekers should know that interviewers notice the quality of the references you give, as well as if they really exist. According to 29% of the hiring managers surveyed in the study, they have caught a fake reference on a candidate’s application. Praise is also not guaranteed by references. In fact, 62% of the hiring managers surveyed in the study said that one or more of the references they contacted didn’t say anything good about a candidate.

Improve your chances of getting a great review by simply letting the reference know that you have put him or her on your list and mentioning the job you’re applying for. Don’t let him be surprised with a call from someone he or she doesn’t know asking about you and your quality as a worker.

Leaving the character references list empty is a huge mistake when searching for a job. If you do, it is the same with telling your hiring manager that your past managers and customers would not bother recommending you. Provide two to three references on your list, and don’t forget to write their contact information and their position in their current jobs.

In conclusion, you should know that references are important to most employers. When choosing who to put on your reference list, keep in mind that they should understand your potential and scope of responsibilities. If a certain person is unwilling, find another one who is more than willing.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.