Internships: A Stepping Stone to Success

Job InternshipsAn internship isn’t just a temporary job. Rather, it’s the first step in building your career and finding a job that suits you. At the end of the internship, you should have acquired new skills and knowledge in the specific field you have interned for.


In addition to that, your network of friends and comrades should expand, and these people can help you throughout your career.

Internships are conventionally intended for college students to help them have a taste of the workplace and later decide if they want that kind of job. However, today a lot of adults who change careers also benefit from internships.

Listed below are few things that can guide you in looking for an internship that suits you best:

  • Benefits and Compensation

Ask yourself, “What will I gain from the company?” or “What are the benefits?” Some internships offer allowances, while others do not. You need to decide on the type of internship you want to apply for. Aside from learning how to make coffee and how to use the photocopying machine, the only sure thing that you can expect is the knowledge and experience that you will gain at the end of the term.

  • School’s Permission

Interns are usually college students, so if you’re one of them, make sure that you’ve obtained consent from the school and that they have approved your internship letter so that it will be easier for you to apply to the company you want. The important thing is to understand the process.

  • Looking for an Internship (for Fresh Graduates and Undergrads)

Career centers are excellent resources, and they can help you find the company that matches your skills and interests. You can ask them for help in reviewing your resume and giving you some guidelines. You can talk to the staff counselor or, if you’re in high school, you can talk to your guidance counselor for career assessments.

Career fairs are often held at colleges and universities. These fairs are of great help in meeting different employers in a very short span of time.

Pay a visit to your school’s alumni office and find someone who works in the field of your interest, and then ask help from him or her directly. Most of the alumni will be happy to help undergraduate students from their alma mater.

  • Looking for an Internship (for Anyone)

To find an internship, you can try visiting Internet sites that are job-related, such as:

You can also widen your network by telling everyone that you are looking for an internship. Ask for help from your teachers, former teachers, family, friends, and neighbors. Post a status update on Facebook or tweet on Twitter mentioning your search for an internship.

Another way is to join professional associations that are relevant to your chosen field. Search the Internet or consult the Encyclopedia of Associations. They usually post jobs and internships, and they also offer events such as conferences and lectures that can help you widen your network.

  • The Interview

Prepare for a very competitive interview once you find the company and the job that you like. Be enthusiastic and show that you are really interested. Most of the programs want interns who have a strong work ethic, basic office skills, and a professional and pleasant attitude.

Impress the interviewer by showing him or her that you are what they’re looking for. Demonstrate your potential, and ask questions that show interest in the organization.

If you’re interested in a particular company, e-mail or call them and ask if there is an available internship position, even if they’re not actively looking for an intern. Find the company that you really love, and show them what you’ve got. After all, you don’t have anything to lose, but you have a lot to gain.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.