7 Tips for a Better Job Search Experience at a Job Fair

Job Search at a Job FairEveryone has their way of doing things, a way that they most comfortable with. If you’re looking for a job and feel like you have tried it all, you might want to consider going to job fairs.

Job boards and networking may not work for you, but don’t stop there. Continue the search until you have exhausted every possible opportunity available. Remember that the world of business never stops; opportunities come and go.

If you’re ready to try your job search at a job fair, here are a few pointers that can help you stand out:

Be specific – There are all kinds of job fairs, but it is best to go to job fairs that specifically cater to your industry or career. Why? Because you are more likely to find a job at a job fair that only hires for a specific industry or position. When you go to a general job fair, you won’t know for certain what positions are most in demand or if there are positions available for you.

Job fair research – Organizers need to promote their events in order to boost attendance. There are a number of ways you can find out if there are upcoming job fairs in your area. Check job boards, newspapers, career services, your local chamber of commerce, etc. If you are out options, a quick search on Google can yield results.

After doing your research on the job fair, you can easily find companies that will be there and whom you’re interested in. From there, you can prepare beforehand for these companies so that you’ll have a better chance.

Be confident – You can’t go to a job fair and be afraid to walk up to a booth and expect to progress in your search. You need to be confident approaching booths and talking to the representatives.

Prepare with the perfect pitch – A job fair is a busy event; there are a lot of conversations going around. People are busy and might not have much time on their hands. When you get an opportunity to talk to an employer, you need to be able to tell him or her who you are in under a minute.

Organize your documents and have plenty of copies – You only have a moment to get the attention of a possible employer. After you deliver your pitch, you’ll want to give a copy of your resume and any additional documents quickly. You don’t want to waste the person’s time because you didn’t organize your files or make enough copies.

Talk to fellow job seekers – You might have missed something valuable that others have discovered. Talk to other job seekers and ask how they’re doing. You may be able to get hints about the companies they’re approaching.

Ask for contact info – When you get the chance to talk to an employer you’re really interested in, don’t forget to ask for contact information. This is for you to reach them and follow up.

The job search is a long process, and there are a lot of times when you will feel frustrated. Still, however hard it may be, you shouldn’t despair. You never know—job fairs just might be your key to victory in the job hunt.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.