7 Reasons You Might Not Get the Job

Reasons You Might Not Get the JobThere are legitimate reasons why an employer is justified in denying a job offer.

You can avoid common interview pitfalls to better your chances. Here are seven reasons why employers reject applicants:

Not caring about a particular company or opportunity. Hiring managers are often turned off whenever they see a generic resume created by a one-resume-size-fits-all company. Interviewers want to engage with candidates who show great interest in a job and are ready to explain why they would be a perfect fit.

Sloppiness. This trait can take many forms, including a poor resume format or a drab interview outfit. If you hand in a sloppy resume, then it pretty much says you’re out of the running. Make sure you sound your best and look appropriate as a professional.

Not connecting the dots. Make sure your experience, skills and successes are at least somewhat relevant to the job or the company’s needs. Keep in mind that your employer is not interested in your personal biography, nor are they willing to refer your skills to a different job opening (in most cases). Make sure your skills are useful to the company.

Not focusing on successes. Don’t talk too much about your responsibilities. Stress thepositive changes that resulted from your actions rather than what you were expected to complete as a part of the job. Focus on results to wow the hiring manager.

Focusing more on what the employer can do. Before discussing your salary, benefits and other special concerns, first demonstrate your ability and desire to excel at the job. You can address benefits and salary once the interviewer decides you’re the best fit for the job.

Letting nerves take over. Though interviews can be nerve-wracking, consider what the company needs, and remember what you have to offer. Picture yourself in the job and show confidence — uncertainty canlead to a “Sorry, no.”

Poor research. The interviewer is well prepared for the conversation; therefore, never go into an interview without doing your research. It will show, and you’ll be denied a job offer.

You can look for company information through websites or social media accounts, such as LinkedIn and Facebook. If you know who’s interviewing you, take a look at the interviewer’s profile and see if you have something in common .

Though there are many job seeker mistakes to be made, focus on how you can present yourself with poise and professionalism to achieve success.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.