5 Interviewing Tips After a Layoff

Interviewing Tips After a LayoffIf you recently got laid off, it’s normal to feel uneasy and lose some confidence when it’s time for another job interview. However, you can still be a valuable employee for a company or organization as long as you know your value and skills.

After all, being laid off isn’t necessarily your fault. It is possible that the company simply didn’t have the financial means to pay your salary. When this happens, keep your head high, as you can still get a job as long as you do your part. The following ideas can help you find success before and during your next job interview.

Research and Prepare. Now that you’ve got a lot of time in your hands, you may want to use it by thinking about the career path you want to take in the future. If you were not happy with your old job, then the layoff might just be a blessing in disguise. It is important to find out what you want and what makes you happy. This way, you’ll never get tired of working because you’ll love what you’re doing.

If you’re going to stay in the same industry, use the time to research different companies to learn more about their history. It may sound silly, but knowing the company’s history gives you a big advantage, especially when you’re competing against a large number of competitors. You can use your knowledge of the company’s history to make an impression during an interview.

Always focus on the positive. Don’t be afraid to tell the hiring manager that you’ve been out of work recently. If you do, you can always add something to it to divert the hiring manager’s attention. Perhaps you can tell the recruiter what you’ve been doing since you were laid off. Did you do some volunteering? How about seminars? Do you set up consulting opportunities? Research? Networking? Doing this also lightens up the mood and boosts your confidence even if you lost your job a while back.

Prepare yourself emotionally. Before going to an interview, make sure you aren’t disconcerted by the fact that you were let go by your previous company. Instead, focus on the future and your skills and talents.

Also, be careful not to sound desperate, as if you’re trying too hard to get a new job. Tell the hiring manager why your skills are perfect for the organization and how you can be of use to them.

Practice by going to job interviews. Even if you think you’re not the perfect fit for the job, accepting several interviews is a great way to practice getting a feel for the interview experience. If you don’t get accepted, think of it as rehearsal to help you be a better candidate next time.

You can still negotiate. If you think you don’t have the right to discuss matters like salary and other benefits, think again. The fact that you were laid off doesn’t mean you can’t negotiate after you’ve been offered a job. Doing this demonstrates your value so you won’t feel the need to agree to unfair terms.

Now that you’re ready for your next job interview, don’t forget to smile and be sincere so you can create a positive first impression. Keep in mind that being laid off is not the end of the road. All you have to do is to grab every opportunity that comes your way and learn from the experience.

Read 6830 times Last modified on Thursday, 03 March 2016 14:46
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.