4 Tips You Need On Your Next Second Interview

4 Tips You Need On Your Next Second InterviewIt’s not unusual for companies today to have multiple rounds of interviews. The first interview is for screening a basic set of qualifications that people need to meet.

While the second interview, usually involves a longer schedule. This is because you’ll probably meet with a couple of people in different settings. So if you were invited for a second interview, congratulations! But remember this is just the first step.

As soon as you receive the call or text that you’re being called back for a second interview, It’s important to prepare yourself. You’ll need to spend a lot of time preparing for it to give yourself a better shot at getting the job offer.

If you’re ready to find out how you can turn the interview into a job offer, here are the four tips you need on your second interview.

Don’t Pretend and Be Yourself

It’s easy to fall into the trap of trying to impress everyone because you want to get the job. But that is a bad idea. If you do this, you might get people to like you and impress them but they’re not getting to know the real you.

You need to show them your real personality and let them decide if you’re a good fit for the company. Doing this, will let them make a more informed decision. And the best part is, if you get hired. You know that you’ll enjoy your stay working with them.

List Down Potential Answers

By the time you’re in for your second interview, you have a pretty good idea of what skills they’re looking for. You need to make the most out of this opportunity.

When you list down the skills they need, think about how you used those skills in delivering results with your last job. Write down 2-3 examples for each skill that will highlight your ability and make an impact within the company.

When you prepare real examples before the interview, you can show the interviewers past experiences that are relevant to what they’re looking for. There’s no need to spend time talking about things that are not relevant to the position. It’s better to use all your time in highlighting the most important skills you’ll be needing for the job.

Make sure to ask great questions

One of the biggest opportunities missed by a lot of job seekers is having a set of questions prepared before the interview or making mental notes during the interview for questions. But you have to make sure that when you do have questions. It shows your knowledge about the subject.

When you do this, it shows your critical thinking and you have a better shot at impressing the interviewers.

Communicate Your Value

Another opportunity that a lot of job seekers miss is communicating their value to interviews. What do I mean by that? It means you give your potential employers are clearer picture of what would happen if you were hired.

Give them examples of the steps you’ll be taking and how you’ll be using your experience and skills into making a difference for their company and not just fit it. A lot of people are looking to fit in, but today that’s just not enough.

If you really want to stand out, you need to show employers what you’ll be adding their organization, how you’re going to do it, and how soon they can expect the results.

Getting invited for a second interview is definitely good news, that means that you’re in the running but that’s not enough to get you a job offer. If you follow these tips, you’ll have a better chance at impressing them and getting that job offer.

Read 1988 times Last modified on Thursday, 13 June 2019 04:27
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.