Jun, 2015

The Top 5 Things to Do Before a Job Interview

The Top 5 Things to Do Before a Job InterviewWhen you’ve received an invitation for an interview, it’s time to go the extra mile to prepare. You need to be able to demonstrate your interest in the opportunity in order to stand out from the crowd.

Here are 5 things you must do before a job interview:

Research the Company

Find out more about your potential employer. Go beyond the company website. This includes looking them up on LinkedIn, Twitter, and looking for any press releases. Perhaps you can look into their recently held events or review their case studies, if possible.

Your knowledge of the company tells the recruiter how interested you are in the job. Be prepared to present your findings and ask smart questions if you have the chance.

Know More about the Interviewer

People hire people they like. That’s why it must be your goal to move the recruiter by building a rapport, and make the interview feel like a conversation instead of an interrogation.

To prepare, you can look up the interviewer’s profile on LinkedIn and get to know his or her background. If you find that you have the same kinds of interests, it can take the interview in a new direction, and will help you stand out among the rest.

Review the Job Description

Make sure you’ve focused on the details of the job description, and verify that your skill set is a proper match. With that information, you can bring up past experiences that will prove you have what it takes to fill the position. Recruiters are more likely to rule you out if they think your skills are not enough to take on the job.

Learn More about the Position

You can also look at the backgrounds of people in similar positions on LinkedIn or other social networking groups. You can find out how long they have been with the company you’re interviewing with. Have they been employed at the company a long time? Do you see a lot of recent departures? Either way, investigate to find out more.

Another thing to consider —Do your background and their backgrounds share a common thread? You can make use of this knowledge during the interview.

Prepare Questions

Feel free to ask questions after the interview. This will show how interested you are in the job and the company. Not having questions ready can make you appear unprepared and unenthusiastic.

As much as possible, highlight your skills and what you can do for the company. Match your skill set to what the company really needs. Give them the confidence that you have what it takes to succeed on the job.

Read 6955 times Last modified on Friday, 26 June 2015 01:33