Oct, 2020

3 Ways to Stay Productive Even When You Don’t Love Your Job Anymore

3 Ways to Stay Productive Even When You Dont Love Your JobGoing to work used to excite you. You were motivated to get up in the morning, get ready and head off to work. Now, you’re counting the hours until you end your shift, and you’re counting the days until it’s the weekend. All because you no longer love your job.


You don’t love your job anymore but you can’t quit it. Not now, not yet. Maybe because you’re not ready to embrace change. Or you don’t like to start all over again and go through another transition. Or you just can’t find the kind of job you’re looking for. Therefore, you decide to stay in your current work while waiting for something to pan out. But how do you stay productive and remain excellent at your job even if you aren’t happy with it anymore?

Appreciate your job
You may no longer feel enthusiastic about your job. You may have found several reasons to start hating it. However, there surely are good things this job offers you, too, even if it’s not your dream job.

Think about the things you appreciate while being employed by your company, the things you’ve learned and continually learning, the fact that it gives you a source of income, the perks and privileges that your job entails, and so on. Even if it’s as simple as access to unlimited coffee, your job shouldn’t be all that bad. Start to cultivate an attitude of gratitude for the job you get to do right now. It could help change your perspective towards your work and increase your motivation.

Make the most of it
While you aren’t ready to move on to a new career path or switch jobs, you can definitely make the most of your current job. Yes, you won’t be doing this role forever. You won’t have to stick to this company for long. But while waiting for the right time and perfect opportunity, why not make the most of the opportunities offered by your current job?

No matter the kind of job you’re doing right now, it surely helps you sharpen your skills. It helps learn new things even if you do the same things every single day. It cultivates new values or even teaches you new skills along the way.

Step out of your comfort zone
One of the reasons why you might feel unhappy at work is the monotony of your job. If you feel like breaking out of your daily routine, it might be best to put your interest in some new areas. Consider stepping out of your comfort zone. If there are new opportunities or projects thrown your way, don’t automatically say no just because it’s beyond your job description. If it’s a chance for you to lend a helping hand, make sure of your expertise and skills or make your work days more interesting, you might want to consider grabbing it.

Being unhappy with your job doesn’t mean having to push the stop button and quit right away. With these tips, you can stay productive and make the most of your job in the meantime before hopping back into the job market.


















Read 1211 times Last modified on Wednesday, 09 December 2020 02:08
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.